Pegasus is the Official Newsletter of the Kingdom of Lochac, of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. It is available to subscribing members of the SCA.
- The Kingdom Chronicler and Pegasus Editor is Lady Magdalena af Husum of Politarchopolis.
- The Regnum Deputy is Nest Brenhowel of the College of St Christina the Astonishing in Innilgard. All changes to details in Regnum are to be sent via the Regnum Deputy contact.
Pegasus electronic subscription is provided with your SCA Membership. Pegasus can be accessed electronically via the respective membership registry for Australians and New Zealanders. Details on how to become a member are also available via those links.
Submitting Copy
Pegasus copy MUST be received by the 25th of the month prior to the month you want your copy to appear (e.g., the deadline for JUNE Pegasus is May 25th). Send all Pegasus copies to Please have a descriptive header to distinguish it from spam.
If you would like to submit articles or artwork for Pegasus, please contact the Pegasus Editor for size details, format, etc. As a guideline, line officer reports are requested to be no longer than 500 words if possible. Please include a written statement of permission to publish, dated, and signed for all original work.
Please do not send scanned copies of handwritten event notices, as they are difficult to read.
At this time, Pegasus does not accept paid advertisements. However, we do accept event notices, and these are FREE to run in Pegasus. You can use the Online Event Notification Form shown below or send an event notice directly to the Pegasus Editor.
Reprinting Content
Official articles from Society Officers and event notices in Pegasus may be reprinted without special permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA. Rights for illustrations and other articles remain with their authors.
For information on reprinting articles and artwork from this publication, please contact the Pegasus Editor, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.
Event Notices
Please use the Online Event Notification Form to submit your event to Pegasus, which will be forwarded to Lochac Announce and Pegasus once approved by your group Seneschal. For any queries regarding this policy, please contact the Pegasus Editor.